Rick james


Rick James Productions

P.O. Box 331, Surfside, Ca 90743, USA
Phone: (310) 745-6032
Email: freddyjohnjames@gmail.com

Productions Management

Freddy James Jr

Freddy James Jr

Founder Producer
Email: freddyjohnjames@gmail.com

Rick Foster

Rick Foster

Founder Producer
Email: Rrfoster331@gmail.com


Rick James Productions (RJP) is an independent production company founded in 2013 by Rick Foster and Freddy James Jr. This production company is situated in Hollywood and specializes in creating short films with a focus on niche action adventures. RJP is unique in its ability to draw from a vast repertoire of content material, largely authored by Rick Foster, and has the flexibility to bring a wide range of genres to the big screen, including female action, horror, thrillers, sci-fi, and romantic content.

Key points about Rick James Productions include:

  1. **Founders**: RJP was established by Rick Foster, who is a storyteller, actor, producer, screenwriter, and journalist, and Freddy James Jr., who brings his expertise in stunts, acting, and directing to the company. This combination of skills and experience makes RJP a versatile force in the film industry.
  2. **Abundance of Content**: Unlike many independent production companies that seek out stories and rights, RJP has the advantage of having a significant amount of content material written by Rick Foster and other writers. This unique advantage helps keep pre-production costs low and enables the company to produce economically attractive projects for worldwide distribution.
  3. **Story Rights**: RJP owns story rights and collaborates with a team of writers, which allows for the development of high-quality scripts and adaptations from published novels, short stories, and synopses.
  4. **Diversity of Genres**: RJP is known for producing various genres, including action, horror, thrillers, sci-fi, and romantic content. Their commitment to both action and dialogue-driven characters sets them apart.
  5. **Talent and Budget Management**: RJP’s approach to success involves sourcing the best talent at a reasonable cost, which results in high-quality productions. The company believes in giving talent creative freedom while maintaining strict budget control.
  6. **Industry Involvement**: Rick Foster is actively involved in the film industry, serving on the SAG-AFTRA Local Government Affairs and Public Policy Committee. He is dedicated to promoting arts, equity, and equality both on and off the set.
  7. **Collaboration**: The partnership between Rick Foster and Freddy James Jr. is at the core of RJP’s success, creating a creative atmosphere that spans all aspects of filmmaking, from pre-production to post-production.
  8. **Projects**: RJP is continually working on multiple projects, with the ability to produce five to seven films annually. They are involved in various stages of production for projects ranging from a reality game show to female action horror, historic Hollywood thriller, sci-fi, suspense drama, and more.
  9. **Distribution and Sales**: RJP aims to bring its content to the global market in both digital and screen formats, seeking worldwide distribution and sales opportunities.

Overall, Rick James Productions combines the creative talents and skills of its founders to produce a diverse range of content with a focus on quality and cost-effectiveness. Their unique access to content and strong industry connections makes them a notable player in the world of independent film production.